ZenComplete™: Cosmetic and Dermatology Testing

ZenBio has developed a dedicated solutions platform delivering products, services and expertise to assist in skin biology research. From initial donor-specific tissue acquisition and cell isolation to full-thickness skin testing or 3D skin equivalents, the ZenBio team provides research solutions to accelerate your project to meet your objectives in a cost-effective manner, minimizing time and resources.
ZenSkin™ Cells & Media Solutions
ZenBio routinely isolates several common cell types from human full-thickness skin tissue and can provide them as individual donor lots, matched-donor lots or mixed donor lots. We can provide cells from donors spanning a broad selection of demographics to suit your research needs. ZenBio also provides the necessary support media and reagents for optimal cell culture and function.
Custom Skin Tissue Solutions
ZenBio acquires skin tissues from a diverse group of donor populations and from different locations on the body. We can provide full thickness skin or skin samples dermatomed to a custom thickness. Or let us build a Reconstructed Human Epidermis (RHE) for you at a reasonable cost for your research. Contact us with your custom skin tissue or cell isolation requirements and let us do the work for you.
- Fresh / Frozen / Fixed Full Thickness Human Skin
- Custom Procurement
- Reconstructed Human Epidermis (RHE)
- Custom Skin Cell Isolations
- Ex Vivo Tissue Cultures
Custom Screening & Testing Services
ZenBio scientists have the expertise to help design and perform projects focusing on human skin biology using full-thickness skin, ex vivo tissues, RHEs and isolated skin cells. Whether we perform the treatments or the downstream analysis, ZenBio provides a streamlined way to speed your skin research.
Photobiology resources for skin cells, RHEs and ex vivo tissues:
- UVA, UVB, VIS, IR exposure capabilities
- Phototoxicity and Photoprotection studies
- DNA Damage or Repair
- Multiplexed Cytokine Release
- Cellular ROS Generation Analysis
- Gene Expression Changes
- Pigmentation Studies
Custom assay design using skin cells, RHEs and ex vivo tissues based on ZenBio's capabilities:
- Cell Proliferation, Gene Expression and Protein Secretion
- Functional Activity Assays, Western Blotting and Transfections
- Radiolabeled Assays, ELISAs, Custom Assay Development
Other available screening services:
- Anti-Cellulite Compound Screening
- Anti-Wrinkle Compound Screening
- Total Antioxidant Activity Screening
To learn more about our services, please call or contact our Services Team
To learn more about our services, please contact our Services Team