Visceral Preadipocytes and Adipocytes
Metabolic disease is associated more closely with the accumulation of abdominal adipose in specific visceral depots. Recent studies have implicated omental and mesenteric adipose tissue in obesity-related insulin resistance, atherosclerosis, and type 2 diabetes. To provide the most relevant systems for investigating obesity-related morbidities, ZenBio is offering visceral derived human preadipocytes and cultured adipocytes to the research community.

Preadipocytes are isolated from omental, mesenteric, or perirenal adipose tissue and are tested for their ability to differentiate in culture to mature adipocytes. Preadipocytes are available cryopreserved or plated and mature adipocytes are available in a variety of plated formats.
Most cells are derived from obese non-diabetic patients (BMI>30), but there are limited quantities of preadipocytes and adipocytes from patients of BMI <27 as well as some lots of cells available from diabetic patients. Lots derived from multiple patients are also available as Pooled- or Super-lots.
There are limited quantities of donor matched omental and subcutaneous preadipocytes or cultured adipocytes for studies comparing the two depots.
The greater omentum is the largest peritoneal fold within the abdomen and has an immunologic function. The omentum aids in isolating peritoneal infection and absorbing contaminants through the mesothelial stomata. Adipokines and fatty acids from this depot have direct access to the liver through the portal circulation which may lead to hepatic dysfunction.
Mesenteric adipose lies within the thin layers of the peritoneal mesothelium connecting the small and large intestine. Adipose accumulation within this depot correlates with an increased risk of metabolic disease.
Perirenal adipose resides near the kidneys outside the peritoneal cavity. Fat from this depot has not been correlated with increased risk for metabolic disease.
Specially formulated media are available for use with our omental preadipocytes and adipocytes.
Ordering Information:
Item# | Item Desc | U/M | Price |
OP-2006-3 | Omental Preadipocytes 6-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 | Each | $1407.00 |
OP-2012-3 | Omental Preadipocytes 12-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 | Each | $1140.00 |
OP-2024-3 | Omental Preadipocytes 24-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 | Each | $1140.00 |
OP-2048-3 | Omental Preadipocytes 48-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 | Each | $1140.00 |
OP-2096-3 | Omental Preadipocytes 96-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 | Each | $761.00 |
OP-F-1 | Cryopreserved, Omental (1 million cells/vial), BMI <25.0 | Vial | $587.00 |
OP-F-2 | Cryopreserved, Omental (1 million cells/vial), BMI 25.0-29.9 | Vial | $587.00 |
OP-F-3 | Cryopreserved, Omental (1 million cells/vial), BMI >30.0 | Vial | $587.00 |
OP-F-SL | Cryopreserved, Omental (1 million cells/vial), (POOLED Donor Lot) | Vial | $587.00 |
OPD-F | Cryopreserved, Omental (1 million cells/vial), DIABETIC | Vial | $877.00 |
OPD-F-3 | Cryopreserved, Omental Preadipocytes, DIABETIC (1 million cells/vial), BMI >30.0 | Vial | $877.00 |
OPD-F-SL | Cryopreserved, Omental (1 million cells/vial), DIABETIC, (POOLED Donor Lot) | Vial | $877.00 |
Item# | Item Desc | U/M | Price |
Item# | Item Desc | U/M | Price |
OA-1006-3 | Omental Adipocytes 6-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 | Each | $1602.00 |
OA-1012-3 | Omental Adipocytes 12-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 | Each | $1335.00 |
OA-1024-3 | Omental Adipocytes 24-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 | Each | $1335.00 |
OA-1048-3 | Omental Adipocytes 48-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 | Each | $1335.00 |
OA-1096-3 | Omental Adipocytes 96-Well Plate, BMI >30.0 | Each | $957.00 |
Visceral Omental Adipocyte Care Manual
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Visceral Preadipocytes and Adipocytes Publications
MAPK Signaling Is Required for Generation of Tunneling Nanotube-Like Structures in Ovarian Cancer Cells
Jennifer M. Cole , Richard Dahl, and Karen D. Cowden DahlCancers 2021, 13, 274.
Omental adipocytes promote peritoneal metastasis of gastric cancer through the CXCL2-VEGFA axis
Makoto Natsume, Takaya Shimura, Hiroyasu Iwasaki, Yusuke Okuda, Kazuki Hayashi, Satoru Takahashi & Hiromi KataokaDOI
Adipocytes promote ovarian cancer chemoresistance
Jiang Yang, Munir M. Zaman, Iliyan Vlasakov, Roopali Roy, Lan Huang, Camilia R. Martin, Steven D. Freedman, Charles N. Serhan & Marsha A. Moses
Regulation of the bi-directional cross-talk between ovarian cancer cells and adipocytes by SPARC
Bincy John, Christine Naczki, Chirayu Patel, Alia Ghoneum, Shadi Qasem, Ziyan Salih & Neveen SaidDOI:
Renewable Source of Human Beige Adipocytes for Development of Therapies to Treat Metabolic Syndrome
Su Su, Anyonya R.Guntur, Daniel C. Nguyen, Shameem S. Fakory, Chad C. Doucette, Cassandra Leech, Humphrey Lotana, Matthew Kelley, Jaspreet Kohli, Julieta Martino, Sunder Sims-Lucas, Lucy Liaw, Calvin Vary, Clifford J. Rosen, Aaron C. Brown
Adipose TSHB in Humans and Serum TSH in Hypothyroid Rats Inform About Cellular Senescence
Moreno-Navarrete J.M., Li&numl;ares-Pose L., Sabater M., Rial-Pensado E., Comas F. , Jové M.,Latorre J., Ortega F., Ricart W. , Portero-Otin M. , López M. , Fernández-Real J.M.Cell Physiol Biochem 2018;51:142–153
β-aminoisobutyric acid attenuates LPS-induced inflammation and insulin resistance in adipocytes through AMPK-mediated pathway
Tae Woo Jung, Hyung Sub Park, Geum Hee Choi, Daehwan Kim and Taeseung Lee
Effects of exosomes from LPS-activated macrophages on adipocyte gene expression, differentiation, and insulin-dependent glucose uptake
De Silva, N., Samblas, M., MartÃnez, J.A. et al. J Physiol Biochem (2018).
Intrinsic Properties of Brown and White Adipocytes Have Differential Effects on Macrophage Inflammatory Responses
Louisa Dowal, Pooja Parameswaran, Sarah Phat, Syamala Akella, Ishita Deb Majumdar, Jyoti Ranjan, Chahan Shah, Saie Mogre, Kalyani Guntur, Khampaseuth Thapa, Stephane Gesta, Vivek K Vishnudas, Niven R. Narain and Rangaprasad Sarangarajan Berg, LLCResistin exposure of human omental adipocytes affects transcriptional regulation processes involved in cellular differentiation and maintenance.
Sotiriou, AlexandrosUniversity. Promotor(en): Ivonne Rietjens, co-promotor(en): Jacques Vervoort. - Wageningen : Wageningen University - ISBN 9789463430302 - 137 p
Hydroxytyrosol, an ingredient of olive oil, reduces triglyceride accumulation and promotes lipolysis in human primary visceral adipocytes during differentiation
Bruno Stefanon, Monica ColittiExp Biol Med (Maywood) June 10, 2016 1535370216654226
Chemokine profiles of human visceral adipocytes from cryopreserved preadipocytes: Neutrophil activation and induction of nuclear factor-kappa B repressing factor
Rui Yamaguchia, b, Takatoshi Yamamotoa, Arisa Sakamotoa, Yasuji Ishimarua, Shinji Naraharaa, Hiroyuki Sugiuchia, Yasuo Yamaguchidoi:10.1016/j.lfs.2015.11.010, LifeSciences
Capillary Isoelectric Focusing Immunoassay for Fat Cell Differentiation Proteomics
Mary G. Johlfs, Priyatham Gorjala, Yasuyo Urasaki, Thuc T. Le , Ronald R. FiscusPublished: July 1, 2015DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0132105
Effects of Two Different Rhodiola rosea Extracts on Primary Human Visceral Adipocytes
Elena Pomari, Bruno Stefanon and Monica ColittiMolecules 2015, 20, 8409-8428; doi:10.3390/molecules20058409
Inflammatory Cytokines Link Obesity and Breast Cancer
Nalin Siriwardhana1, Rett Layman2, Ayub Karwandyar2, Shiwani Patel2, Blair Tage2, Matthew Clark2, Jessica Lampley2, Courtney Rhody2, Erica Smith2, Arnold M Saxton1, Naima Moustaid-Moussa1* and Jay Wimalasena2Journal of Metabolic Syndrome, March 2015