Conditioned Media

Conditioned media from cultured subcutaneous and omental preadipocytes and adipocytes are available in 10 ml aliquots. The cells are incubated with serum and phenol red free basal medium for 24 hours. Supernatants are collected and flash frozen. These preparations are suitable for a variety of assays.
Ordering Information
Conditioned Media
Item# | Item Desc | U/M | Price |
CMA-10 | Conditioned Medium from Cultured Adipocytes 10ml | 10ml | $149.00 |
CMA10-D | Conditioned Medium from Cultured Adipocytes, DIABETIC Donor 10ml | 10ml | $366.00 |
CMP-10 | Conditioned Medium from Cultured Preadipocytes 10ml | 10ml | $149.00 |
CMQ-10 | Conditioned Medium from Primary Adipocytes (Floaters) 10ml | 10ml | $144.00 |
CMOA-10 | Conditioned Medium from Cultured Omental Adipocytes 10ml | 10ml | $849.00 |
CMOP-10 | Conditioned Medium from Cultured Omental Preadipocytes 10ml | 10ml | $728.00 |
CMP-10-L1 | Conditioned Medium from Cultured 3T3-L1 Predipocytes 10ml | 10ml | $252.00 |
CMA-10-L1 | Conditioned Medium from Cultured 3T3-L1 Adipocytes 10ml | 10ml | $252.00 |
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